Osaki Os-pro Maxim Zero Gravity Massage Chair Review

Osaki Bone Pro Saying Massage Chair

  • Number of Airbags
  • Overall Massage Quality
  • Customization Options
  • Ease of Use


The Osaki Os Pro Maxim Massage Chair gets almost things right—from ease of use to numerous massage options. However, most other chairs in its price range offering better quality air massage. If this is not a large deal for you lot, then this could be the one for yous.

Table of Contents

  • ane Osaki OS Pro Maxim Massage Chair Overview
  • 2 Osaki Bone Pro Maxim Massage Chair Features
    • 2.ane ​50/S Track Technology
    • ii.2 Touch Screen Controller
    • two.3 Body Scanning Technology
    • ii.4 Plenty of Customization Options
    • two.five Airbag Massage
    • 2.6 Estrus Therapy
    • two.7 Human foot Rollers
    • 2.8 Bluetooth Compatible Speakers
    • 2.9 Chromotherapy
    • 2.10 Zero Gravity
    • ii.11 Ancillary Features
  • 3 Pros and Cons of the Osaki OS Pro Maxim
  • iv Osaki Os Pro Maxim Review Determination

Practice y'all honey the thought of owning a massage chair, just worry that information technology will accept days, if not weeks to effigy out its controls completely in lodge to make total use of information technology?

Wouldn't information technology be awesome if someone designed a chair that was clogged of high-end features, merely that would non take an advanced user to operate?

Osaki agrees—and the Osaki Os Pro Saying massage chair really delivers on that front, and many others.

In the review that follows, we'll walk y'all through everything that this massage chair has to offer, giving you an in-depth wait at what it does, and doesn't practice, in order to help you make an informed decision and discover the perfect massage chair for y'all.

Osaki OS Pro Maxim Massage Chair Overview

People who want to own a massage chair tend to look for many of the same things and of the same reasons. They could be suffering from chronic back or leg pain and want relief from it. Thus, any chair that could offering them that relief while providing boosted options for a more customized massage experience in an easy-to-use bundle is definitely going to go high marks.

The reality is that there'southward a lot of peachy massage chairs on the market today, and Osaki makes many of them. The company simply has a reputation for quality, and the Osaki Os Pro Maxim Massage Chair is no exception. Information technology boasts a number of impressive features, but we'll outset with the two that truly make information technology stand out from the crowd, and work our fashion through the residuum from there.

Equally you will soon see, the Osaki OS Pro Maxim delivers on all fronts, and more.​

Osaki OS Pro Proverb Massage Chair Features

L/Due south Track Technology

Any comprehensive Osaki OS Pro Maxim Massage Chair review has to brainstorm with its hybrid Fifty/S track system. The reason is simple. You don't typically observe a combined 50 and S runway organisation in a mid-range chair. This is usually reserved for chairs at the top end, hence, its inclusion hither is an absolute win for the consumer.

Here's why information technology matters:

S- Track Function of Osaki OS Pro Maxim Massage Chair

The S-Rails is well-nigh universally seen equally a standard in massage chairs today . It is called S-track because information technology follows the natural curvature of the human South-spine, which allows for the rollers to move along the z-axis, calculation a third dimension ("in" and "out" in simplest terms). This has the effect of giving y'all an accurate overall massage feel, as the rollers are following the natural contours of your back.​

​The L-Rails, on the other hand, is considered to be the extended version of the S-track. A massage chair built around an L-track allows the rollers to motility all the way downward the back and under the seat. The result is a skilful, solid massage from the neck to the hamstrings.

The inclusion of a hybrid system and then is the best of both worlds; Due south-Track where that makes the nearly sense, and L-Track where needed.

Bear on Screen Controller

In our minds, this is really the stand-out feature of the model and should exist considered the highlight of our Osaki OS Pro Proverb review. While other chairs have a similar touchscreen, the Pro Maxim's is the largest nosotros've seen. Information technology'south essentially a smart tablet, married to the design.

From this central console, you lot can order any type of massage you like. Y'all can easily arrange the rollers in real fourth dimension, choose bones massage settings, and modify them to adjust your personal needs and preferences, control the speed and intensity of the massage, and more.

The interface is intuitive and easy to empathize, so you don't need to spend a lot of time pouring over the user transmission. Information technology is designed in such a way that someone who has never seen the Osaki OS Pro Maxim before tin settle into the chair, play with the touchscreen for a moment, and start enjoying the benefits of a world class massage.​

3D Body Scanning Tecnology of Osaki OS Pro Maxim Massage Chair

Body Scanning Technology

In order to optimize the massage experience, before the rollers start moving, the chair performs a body scan so that information technology can identify the user's pressure points, and makes on-the-fly adjustments to the rollers.This might audio like information technology will not brand a huge departure only honestly, if you lot've tried a massage chair that lacked this feature before, you'll never want to go back to that once you lot feel this feature!

Plenty of Customization Options

One of the major things that people look for in any massage chair is the power to customize the feel and tailor it to their private needs. The more massage options there are bachelor, the more choices the individual user has, and the Pro Saying delivers in style on this forepart.​

It features a dozen of pre-programmed massage types, including:

  • Deep Tissue
  • General
  • Salubrious Regimen
  • Older Vigor
  • Recovery
  • Wake Upwardly
  • Spleen Digest
  • Stretching
  • Sleeping

On top of these, you lot tin can venture away from the pre-programmed choices past placing the chair in manual mode, which opens up additional options, and includes the post-obit massage types:

  • Clapping
  • Rolling
  • Kneading
  • ​Shiatsu
  • Swedish
  • Borer

These options, combined with your ability to command the overall intensity of the massage via five dissimilar level settings gives you an immense amount of command over the experience.

Front View of Osaki OS Pro Maxim Massage Chair

Airbag Massage

With a total of 36 airbags strategically placed throughout the chair, this opens up yet another type of massage users can enjoy. Covering the artillery, legs, feet, calves, shoulders, hips, and the lumbar area, you would feel as though you're floating on air equally you lie back and enjoy a gentle, refreshing massage.​

Heat Therapy

The Osaki OS Pro Maxim zero gravity massage chairatomic number 26 atures two split up heating pads, both centered on the lumbar region. These can be turned on or off at volition, calculation yet another dimension to the overall experience, by providing relaxing heat therapy for those who demand information technology.

Foot Rollers

In add-on to the airbags located at the feet, the Os Pro Maxim also features human foot rollers to give your aching soles some much needed relief at the end of a decorated day.

Here, it's also worth mentioning that t he chair comes with an auto leg scan feature. With this feature, the ottoman fully extends and backs upwards until information technology makes a gentle contact to the feet, ensuring that the chair is perfectly fitted to the user's length. Information technology besides allows the chair to custom fit to any user from five' tall to 6'four".​

Left Image View of Osaki OS Pro Maxim Massage Chair

Bluetooth Compatible Speakers

This handy characteristic allows you to sync your smartphone to the speakers in the chair and listen to your favorite music while enjoying a massage. A small, but impressive bear on!


While most people can have, or go out this feature out, it's nonetheless a fairly absurd improver to the experience. Imagine using the chair in a dark room, the soft blueish lights beaming out of the chair volition create a soothing upshot as y'all savor your massage.

Plus, it can exist made even better past making employ of the speakers to combine the soft lighting with relaxing massage music.

Zero Gravity

The Osaki OS Pro Proverb is a zero-gravity massage chair like so many others in the company's lineup. Yous might fifty-fifty say that it's Osaki'south  signature characteristic and an first-class one for the affair. While not quite as cool as it sounds, the zero-gravity role was withal inspired by NASA, and does really make a difference where the overall quality of the massage experience is concerned.

Zero Gravity Position of Osaki OS Pro Maxim Massage Chair

By reclining the chair such that the user's knees are to a higher place the centre, with legs fully extended, the user'due south full weight is pressed against the rollers for a better, deeper massage.

Ancillary Features

Two additional features that deserve a brief mention are the seat vibration, which you can opt to plough on or off at will, and the removable pad.

When in position, the removable pad provides an actress cushion of comfort. When removed, it allows users to relish an fifty-fifty more than intense massage. Note that the pad is located in 2 areas: back and bottom, allowing for you lot to remove 1 or both—again to suit your particular want.​

Pros and Cons of the Osaki OS Pro Maxim

In looking at the impressive list of features offered by the Osaki OS Pro Proverb Massage Chair, it's hard to even know where to beginning in terms of listing its pros. Every feature on the list is excellent. Fifty-fifty better, when considered in combination with one another,the chair's feature set delivers a world course, totally customizable massage experience, every fourth dimension.

As for the cons, anything we could list as a negative tin can be solved by looking for a top end massage chair, but that comes with a negative of its ain. Namely, a big increase in price. For case, the Bone Pro Maximonly has 36 airbags; some peak finish models have more than than double that number. Likewise, the chairdoesn't accept Mecha Balls; to become them, y'all'd have to spend twice what yous'd spend on this chair.

The lesser line is that the negatives of this chair are so minor that most people wouldn't regard them every bit worth the added toll to adjust or correct for.

Osaki Bone Pro Maxim Review Decision

The Osaki Bone Pro Maxim Massage Chair is a feature-rich, well-designed, and exquisitely comfortable chair. Its hallmarks are the dual L/Southward rail design, which allows for one of the best overall massage chair experiences available on the market today; and its ease of utilize, thanks in large part to the impact screen tablet/remote that'due south built into the chair, enabling fifty-fifty a first-fourth dimension user to sit down downward and order up exactly the massage experience he or she is looking for.

The merely way to get a better massage than what the OS Pro Maxim offers would be to wait for a better equipped top stop massage chair, but that could hands see y'all spending twice the money. In its weight course, the Osaki OS Pro Proverb Massage Chair offers the best overall feeland is a tremendous value for the money.

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Source: https://chairinstitute.com/osaki-os-pro-maxim-massage-chair/

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