Sword Art Online Hollow Realization Deep Data Domain Hp Regen Skills


14 Nov, 2017 @ 12:23am

follow the issue and eventually Yui will take you lot back to Singularity

u can subcontract more than equipment in the 1000maze


xiv Nov, 2017 @ 12:25am

getting all skills including soaring slash ex
getting bis gear
getting t3 legendary weapons
maxing all companions + emotions + their feelings towards you

Thanks everyone time to get dorsum to it. But is it truthful that your game is Reset if you die in this never ending Dugeon?


fourteen November, 2017 @ 8:43am

Originally posted past MadMan (Patt):

Thanks everyone time to become back to it. But is it true that your game is Reset if you dice in this never ending Dugeon?

Y'all don't loose everything. you tin can simply save your progress every ready of ten floors. So, if y'all wiped, you just load last save like whatsoever other game.

Originally posted past さまよう侍:

Originally posted by MadMan (Patt):

Thanks everyone time to get dorsum to information technology. But is information technology true that your game is Reset if you lot die in this never ending Dugeon?
Y'all don't loose everything. you can only save your progress every set of ten floors. And then, if you lot wiped, you only load last save like any other game.

That's only if you decide to leave every x floors, if you go to the adjacent gear up and wipe y'all basically loose the other floors yous merely did because you lot took a risk. Like if you did 1-x but didnt leave and wiped on floor 15 you have to start back at one

You lot washed everything in 50 hours?.. Damn I accept merely just started DLC 1 and im 67 hours in... 0_o

Originally posted by BritishEcho:

Y'all washed everything in 50 hours?.. Damn I accept only only started DLC i and im 67 hours in... 0_o

And i hightly doubt he did any of his stuff legit either, getting all skills to 1000 accomplishment earlier getting the 10 SSC is pretty suspicious(which is still not unlocked) is pretty obvious some class of mod was used.

Originally posted by Xionex:

Originally posted by BritishEcho:

Y'all done everything in 50 hours?.. Damn I have just just started DLC 1 and im 67 hours in... 0_o

And i hightly doubt he did any of his stuff legit either, getting all skills to 1000 accomplishment before getting the 10 SSC is pretty suspicious(which is still not unlocked) is pretty obvious some form of mod was used.

Yeah i cheated and then what i take this game on the PS4 done everything that i would have redone on the PC then why not accept a curt cut with the Skills withal needed to unlock all those EX Skills and everything similar that


15 November, 2017 @ 12:14am

Originally posted by MadMan (Patt):

Originally posted past Xionex:

And i hightly doubtfulness he did any of his stuff legit either, getting all skills to 1000 accomplishment before getting the 10 SSC is pretty suspicious(which is still not unlocked) is pretty obvious some form of mod was used.

Yeah i cheated so what i accept this game on the PS4 done everything that i would take redone on the PC then why not take a short cut with the Skills notwithstanding needed to unlock all those EX Skills and everything like that

If y'all feel nothing wrong....why ready a private contour now? feel guity? fearfulness of steam'southward ban? or fear that other people gonna dig more?

honestly, let him cheat if he wants to, its a singleplayer game and then not much hurting for the states, its just his ain game experiance and if he has already played information technology on ps4, as long as he dosnt accept information technology on to multiplayer :P

Originally posted past さまよう侍:

follow the upshot and eventually Yui will have you back to Singularity

what is this singularity???

Originally posted past Señor JOPPY:

what is this singularity???

The DDD/Singularity, also known as the space dungeon, is the post-game final dungeon.

What, how? 160 hours in and I'thou nowhere close to existence finished >.> I'chiliad on DLC 3 and I feel like I play this game for a practiced 6-8 hours a day. But then again, I do all the optionals and I don't skip over anything. Correct at present I'thou simply trying to get everyone's Skill Fusions to level five, then I'm going to make Paragon weapons for everyone. Lastly, I might choose to get everyone'south traits but perfect... aye, I see another 200-300 hours on the horizon. I oasis't fifty-fifty seen Infinite Dungeon still.

Originally posted past THOA:

Originally posted by MadMan (Patt):

Aye i cheated so what i have this game on the PS4 done everything that i would have redone on the PC so why non take a short cut with the Skills all the same needed to unlock all those EX Skills and everything like that

If yous feel nix wrong....why set a private profile now? feel guity? fright of steam's ban? or fear that other people gonna dig more than?

Wait my Profile is now Private did not change it never has been open to anyone since i made the account fixed that now its simply Friends who tin can see my inv since im over people asking nigh Trading cards. All so steam would never ban someone over using Cheats in a singleplayer and since i accept never used them online there would be no need for a ban and well-nigh bans are from Value Severs not on non steam owned games

Originally posted past Chibi Vampire:

What, how? 160 hours in and I'yard nowhere close to existence finished >.> I'yard on DLC 3 and I feel similar I play this game for a expert half dozen-8 hours a day. But then again, I practice all the optionals and I don't skip over anything. Right now I'm only trying to become anybody's Skill Fusions to level 5, then I'm going to make Paragon weapons for everyone. Lastly, I might choose to get everyone's traits just perfect... yeah, I see another 200-300 hours on the horizon. I haven't fifty-fifty seen Infinite Dungeon yet.

Infinite Dungeon is from floor 1-1000, atleast some other 75hours from there alone, i'm just on 240 with 220 hours clocked in :( But then once again im also doing the forever Lv 1 challenge lol


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/607890/discussions/0/1485487749767484581/

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