Red and Golds Are Here Again

For some years European news was peppered with stories from Kosovo, role of a politically volatile situation that caused destruction in the region. In 2008 a new and contained Kosovo was born and a menstruum of rebuilding and stability began. This gave rise to opportunity, initiative and commitment in so many fields, from art to sport and anything between.

A immature teen in Peja, Kosovo was already working hard with her judo charabanc, Mr Driton Kuka. She had won a Cadet tournament in Zagreb the previous year and it, it turns out, was indicative of a astounding career and an unrivalled place in the history of her young country.

Inferior world champion in 2009, at eighteen years onetime, Majlinda Kelmendi then won gold at her first grand prix in Tunisia in 2010, even so a teenager and from then on a profile was built, challenge title afterward championship, dominating the -52kg category of world judo like no-1 earlier.

Winning the 2013 senior world title

Majlinda has twice been world champion and in Rio De Janeiro in 2016 she claimed the Olympic championship and this was a commencement for Kosovo; not simply a first for Kosovan judo but for all sports. Kosovo had its outset ever Olympic medallist, its first Olympic champion.

Her CV is extensive and information technology feels unfair to not bear upon every element of it because it is an investment few can sympathise, that gives ascent to a career such as this. We take covered a petty of her cadet and inferior years and the world championships and of course that monumental Olympic medal but Kelmendi was also four times European champion. She conquered the continent and the world and also embodied the total spirit of the Olympic motion and she did and then quietly; forever just working difficult on being the best athlete she could exist, never jumping in front of spotlights or calling for attending, just working.

2016 Olympic Champion

It doesn't take too long a chat to realise why she stayed and then humble and committed to her sporting goals. Majlinda has carried the extraordinary weight of a state on her back since the kickoff days of her international appearances. To some degree that has been imposed on her but the majority of it is hers, an integral office of who she is. She felt the responsibleness to shine positivity on her small state, to never let them down and nosotros accept seen it clearly, time and time again. She doesn't fight just for Majlinda or fifty-fifty for her teammates. She fights for Kosovo, knowing that her achievements requite infinite for other girls, other young judoka to believe in the dazzler of possibility.

Her coach, Driton Kuka has his own opinion on this, "Majlinda is a heroine for all the people of Kosovo. She is more than just a judoka and world and Olympic champion. Thank you to her, nosotros became a member of the IJF and of the IOC. When Mr Vizer visited Kosovo for the first time, she was maybe 14 or fifteen and it'southward when he saw her training that he decided to support us. The outset globe competition nosotros participated in as Kosovo was the Inferior World Championships in 2009 and she won the title. She has been a key to the development of our sport in the state. That's why she is more than than an athlete. She is and was my athlete, simply she is so much more, my heroine, just equally she is for every single person in Kosovo."

This week Majlinda has announced officially that she has retired from contest. We all knew it was coming and it does feel similar the closing of a dandy novel, with a formidable protagonist. We don't want it to end but information technology is necessary for the next chapter of Kelmendi'due south life to take shape.

Spectacular Majlinda

With the 2021 Paris One thousand Slam merely alee of united states, we understand that it volition be an unusual depict for the -52kg category, without Majlinda at the height of it. She was world number one and sat in the white judogi at the top of and so many contest sheets.

In 2014, already world champion from the year before in Rio, an incredible run of 4 years continuing on top of the podium in Paris, began. Paris, equally whatever judoka who has fought there will tell you, is a very special tournament and it takes a whole new level of courage to fight at that place, withstanding the most knowledgeable crowd, the biggest, loudest audition of whatsoever judo consequence, anywhere in the world. Coming into that event in February 2014, with a target on your back and a skilled and French-heavy describe in front end of y'all, is not for the faint-hearted and Majlinda took information technology on with the spirit of a warrior, winning gold not only in 2014, but in 2015, 2016 and 2017 as well. Not many ever earn the prima cheers of the Bercy, but to do it iv times in a row is truly outstanding.

Majlinda's fourth Paris win, with her teammate and futurity Olympic champion, Distria Krasniqi, beside her

This coming calendar week in Paris, Majlinda Kelmendi will not have her feet on the tatami simply she will stay in contact with information technology, moving in a different direction. She is now defended to sharing her feel and expertise with the younger judoka of Kosovo and Kuka is keen to get started, "Now that she retires from competition, I desire her to exist next to me on the tatami considering I want her to bring her experience, her knowledge and her fantastic spirit." He is non alone in wishing her the strongest next steps.

Retirement is hard, such a jump away from an intensity that can't exist replicated easily elsewhere. With coaching and seeing the power of her legacy, a continuation of what she has started tin be assured. Information technology is already visible. We witnessed her teammates Krasniqi and Gjakova storm to Olympic golden in Tokyo, undoubtedly fuelled by the successes Majlinda showed them were possible. Now there are 3 Kosovan Olympic champions and it all started with Majlinda. There will exist more than, no doubt!

Rio 2016 podium

Dr Lisa Allan, IJF Events Director said, "We will miss her performing on the tatami just we all look forward to seeing her in the coaches' chair. Nosotros need more female coaches and information technology is swell to see former top athletes like Majlinda transitioning into the next stage of their judo career. She is a fantastic part model. Her dedication, feel and work ethic will exist an inspiration to the athletes she coaches. We wish her all the best and a lot of success in her future."

And that's it! It's the end of a special reign that gave not just Kosovo, but the whole judo world, a new heroine, one who took the first steps in public for a new country, showing everyone that with an adherence to the values of respect, humility and courage, anything can exist accomplished.

To our honey Majlinda, continue to live with the same spirit and know that your legacy is the ignition of a whole nation. That is so very special.


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